Sunday 15 March 2009

Birthday Girl

My 27th(!!) Birthday is just around the corner and I have to say - I'm feeling a little freaked. with everything that has happened over the last couple of years with health scares and getting my life back on track (and meeting my lovely man) I'll be honest.. there was a time I really didn't think I'd make it!

Now I am standing at the edge of my mid-twenties and looking ahead towards thirty I find myself taking stock of the past present and the possible future(s). It's like a crazy episode of Star Trek in which our plucky heroine sees glimpses of her alt reality/parallel universe selves. Will I be a corporate career woman or pursue my writing and my love of art? Can I/will I start a family? If so where will I live and with whom? Will I go back to Uni and attain more education? Will I ever be the 'me' I hoped to be or in fact (shock horror) am I already?

The aging thing is a little strange. The realisation that time is gathering pace and the feeling that there is much still to do. For years I have danced to my own rhythm; writing things, dressing increasingly like a twelve year old, collecting dolls and comic books, reading weird/funky books, dreaming of far away places and feeling passionately about wanting to make a difference. I have felt the frustration of not meeting enough like-minded souls, of having to cloak my true self to 'fit in' at work etc. I have dreamed of more and tried to take steps to make some of it a reality.

The one certainty is that I don't want to waste any more time! I'm desperately trying to keep up with my writing and creating stuff to this end.. I have plans *she says rather ominously*...

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